Sunday 27 March 2011


Please be aware that this explanation of creation is just one possible explanation. You are free to agree or disagree as you feel necessary.

Kaballah tells us that existence came out of three different types of Nothing.

First there is Ain. Ain is really Nothing (the absence of anything). Ain can be described as Awareness or potentiality. Potential is Nothing without the consciousness to initiate that potentiality.

Next there's Ain Soph. Ain Soph can be described as consciousness. The consciousness is needed to initiate the potentiality. Since Ain would have been aware of this, Ain initiated the potentiality for itself to become conscious. This happened because effect can precede cause.

Finally there's Ain Soph Aur. This can be described as The One that came out of Nothing. It is when Nothing decided it was Not. This sets the stage for the first positive in existence.

Einstein tells us some important things. Among them 'E=MC2' and 'Energy can never be created nor destroyed, it can only change form.'

So, Energy always existed. Doesn't Kaballah tell us that first there was Nothing?

Yes and No. Nothing existed in the form of potentiality. Nothing both not existed and did exist, simultaneously. To explain this concept necessitates a brief foray into Quantum Physics.

Everything in the Universe is made up of molecules and atoms. The atoms are made of sub-atomic particles (photons, neutrons and electrons mainly) - called Quanta. Quanta are magical little things. They're capable of acrobatics like teleporting ... invisibility ... independence of spacetime ... duplicity (ability to be in several places at once) ... and lots of other thought provoking behavior.

Everything you see is made of Quanta.

For this article, I'd like to draw your attention to the basic Quanta property of wave/particle.

'Wave' basically means it doesn't exist, but potentially does. 'Particle' means what was previously a wave now does exist in spacetime. This only happens when the wave is observed consciously. Pretty neat!

And that, my friends, is how Creation could have happened.

Please be aware that this is the same as how God always existed and created the Universe. It's just different terminology.