Friday 17 June 2011

Essence of Magic

Many neo-pagans base their magical workings on the premise that there
are four magical Elements, called  Earth,  Air, Fire and Water. With a
possible fifth Element known as Aether or Spirit.

This understanding provides you with a great base to work from.

Tarot tells you that the suit of Wands represents the element of Fire,
the source of creativity  and passion,  amongst many other things.

The suit of Cups represents Water and the emotions.

Swords represent Air and the intellect (mind).

Pentacles represent Earth worldly matters.

Next, you could take a look at Ceremonial Magic with it's Lesser
Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Raphael is located in the East and he represents Air (Swords - mind).

Gabriel is located in the West and she represents Water (Cups -

Michael is at the South and he represents Fire (Wands - creativity).

Auriel is in the North and he represents Earth (pentacles - worldly

You could then skip to Kaballah to discover what lies there.

You are usually greeted immediately by the concept of four worlds.
Briefly, the four worlds are four levels of  existence.

First, Assiah. This is our physical world and would equate with Auriel,
Earth element, pentacles and worldly  matters. Assiah is the world of
manifestation. Manifestation begins with an idea.

Next level up is Yetzirah. This is the formative world. It is the world
of intent and motivation, where an idea is  formed into a blueprint
before the idea manifests. It equates to Raphael, Swords and mind.

The next level is called Briah. Briah equates to Gabriel and emotions,
also the suit of Cups of the Tarot.

Finally, there is Atziluth. This is the Spiritual world and this is the
world of Fire or Desire. Desire is divine  perfection (unconditional
love). All else are offshoots of this perfection.


Magical rituals are great. They are a point of focus for the Magical
Elements of Ideation-Imagination-Emotion- Desire. Always bear in mind,
though, fun as Ritual is, it is just a tool - albeit a necessary one in
most cases.

But knowledge of WHY a certain Magical Ritual is performed the way it
is, will give that Ritual more power.

We hope that this knowledge  will help you in formulating you own
Rituals aswell.

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