Friday 17 June 2011


In the movie "The Secret", Joe Vitale says "You are the Michaelangelo of your own life, and the David you are sculpting is you."

A little further on in the movie, it is stated "This is a feeling Universe. When you change your feelings, the Universe conspires to the nature of your song. It has to, because that's the way you feel".

Therein lies the essence of all Magic - emotion.

Everything in this Universe vibrates. It is all the same energy. The only reason you perceive many different "things" is only the difference in rate of vibration.

A diamond and a piece of coal are one and the same, for example - only that the diamond has a higher rate of vibration.

Now we'll get to the point - sculpting or authoring your life.

This sculpting or authoring is a Magical Ritual, just like any Magical Ritual.

So, set the mood for this - incense, candles etc.

Now, write the story of your life. From where you were to where you want to be. Be creative and think big with this. Afterall, it's only a story, right?

No, it's a manifestation technique, a Magical Ritual.

Really get into the story. Write of a life beyond your wildest dreams! Emotionalize what you want. Spend as much time and energy on this as you can. It's your life, you are the most important person in it, for without you, you would not be in your life at all.

Read your story as much as possible. Get into the emotions behind it. The joy, the happiness, the contentment.

Live the life of your dreams!

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